Thursday, April 19, 2007

Reynold Bailey's Talk

Perception-Guided Image Editing
by Reynold Bailey (Fed.1.)

Reynold Bailey's talk was interesting. It seemed more like a scientist's talk but there was also some that we artists can imply on our art work. His talk was about human visual system and visual acuity in relating to digital imaging art. By studying the human visual system, we can develop the way we express ourselves in art as well as control the visual images better.

One striking thing that I have learned from his lecture is that the human eyes receive only 2% of vision field. What we believe we see is made by our memory form previous input images. Therefore we only actually look at 2 percent of what we are seeing, but our brain makes the whole vision field in order to articulate all body function better. And this illusion makes us to see moving images, such as movies and some art works that uses this human visual perception.

He also talked about an interesting technology, eye-tracker. Basically the idea is that the maker actually force the audience to violated to change the gazing factors as well as to be blind. It was interesting but I'm not quite sure if artists should be allowed to have this control power towards its audience.

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